Romantic Entanglements and Resolutions on the Season Finale of "Skins"

How fantastic was last night's season finale of Skins on BBC America?

Managing to tie up several loose plot threads--from the fallout between Maxxie and Anwar to Sid and Cassie's star-crossed romance, to Tony and Michelle finally reconciling--the episode presented one of the most taut, compelling hours on recent television and did so without more than two adult characters.

But lest you be worried that you won't be able to get your Skins fix for a while, fret not: BBC America is kicking off Season Two of this highly addictive teen drama next week, so we've got another ten episodes or so to look forward to.

My heart melted when Sid finally caught up with Cassie high above the city and their entire exchange--after a day of searching for another, poetic notes, and, well, incarceration at a mental facility--consisted of them taking one another's hands and saying simply, "Hi." I've been avoiding spoilers at all costs so I don't know what happens to Cassie but I am really hoping that she doesn't move to Elgin and stays, if only so we can see their relationship play out. Sid's been living under the shadow of Tony and Michelle for so long so I can only wonder what he'd be like if he had his own life to live, including a romance with Cassie. As for Tony, I was impressed that he did something selfless for a change and gave Cassie the letter that Sid had written for her. Could there be some actual character growth for Tony in the works? Or at least some maturity?

That maturity could definitely be cut short by Tony getting run over by a bus at the end of the episode, just as he finally tells Michelle that he loves her (and calls her by her given name rather than Nips). I knew something awful was going to happen and had a sinking suspicion that Tony was going to be hit by a car as he moved into the street but the writers kept that dread going as long as possible--long enough that I thought he was in the clear--only have poor Tone get smashed by a bus. At least it got Effy talking...

I'm glad that Anwar came clean to his father about Maxxie's homosexuality and that his ultra-religious dad didn't freak out or push Maxxie out of the club but instead invited him inside for food, saying that he might not understand or approve of Maxxie's lifestyle but that he hopes that one day god will make him understand. It's a nice change from the familiar trope of religious-types being close-minded and hateful that we often see and I was glad to see Maxxie and Anwar rekindle their friendship.

As for Chris and Angie, their relationship is definitely doomed, even if Angie doesn't stay with her loutish Aussie fiancee. I'm not sure how he knew where to find Chris (at Anwar's 17th birthday party, no less) but the brawl between them was absolutely hilarious.

But how brilliant was the cast singing to Cat Steven's "Wild World" as they went about their separate ways? Hell, even Tony, as he lay bleeding in Effy's arms, managed to sing a few lines of the oh-so-fitting song, which summed up how utterly messed up each of their lives have become. And yet the fact that Sid and Cassie manage to find each other at the right moment points the potential for hope and renewal.

Season Two kicks off next week on BBC America but in the meantime, here's a little something to tide you over until then: Skins Secret Party. This ten-minute mini-episode takes place during the gap between Season One and Season Two, so don't look for any resolution to Tony's accident or Cassie and Sid's relationship. What it does offer, however, is a hilarious look at the kids planning a secret party in the woods that's loaded with debauchery and drugs. Warning: video is decidedly NSFW, so watch at your own discretion.

God, I love this series.

Next week on the Season Two premiere of Skins, Tony recovers from the head injury he sustained; Sid and Michelle learn that caring for Tony is too much; Maxxie wants to leave college to become a dancer while Tony just wants to return to college, despite his injuries.