Televisionary: The Recap Episode #2

As there have been a lot of new visitors popping up here at Televisionary lately, I thought I'd take the opportunity this Fourth of July to take a look back at some recent posts that may have given you a reason to take a break (or sneak one) from work. (Not that I'm advocating that or anything, mind you.)

Hopefully, you're off from work today, with the family, celebrating the birth of the US of A. But if you happen to be stuck inside (it's a another scorcher here in Los Angeles), below are a few Televisionary moments to keep you entertained...

Pilot Inspektor:
CBS' Smith
CW's Runaway
CW's Hidden Palms
FOX's Vanished
ABC's Six Degrees
ABC's The Nine
NBC's 30 Rock
NBC's Kidnapped
NBC's Heroes
ABC's Brothers & Sisters
Showtime's Dexter

Where Pilots Go to Die:
CBS' Ultra
CW's Aquaman

Hot Topics:
TV (Not on DVD)
Hold The Ballots: An Emmy Award Wish List
Barbarians at the Gate: Why the Frack Haven't I Been Watching "Battlestar Galactica" Until Now?

Televisionary Scoop: Katie Lee Packs Her Knives: Breaking News from Bravo's "Top Chef"
Bravo Confirms Televisionary Scoop: Katie Lee Joel HAS Packed Her Knives After All
The Scandalous 1980s Musical Past of Ricky Gervais Caught on Tape
"May We Have an Awesome Blossom": When Does TV Product Placement Go Too Far?
"Gilmore" Guy: Who Is New Showrunner David Rosenthal?

From Across the Pond:
Doctor Who
Jamie's School Lunch Project

The Thick of It
Waking the Dead

Reality Check:
Hell's Kitchen: Babysitting the Kids
Chef Ramsay Turns Up the Heat in This "Kitchen"
Treasure Hunters: No "Treasure" at the End of This Race
5 Takes: Pacific Rim: A Second Take on "5 Takes: Pacific Rim"
My Take on "5 Takes: Pacific Rim"
Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations: "No Reservations" About Watching Bourdain