Talk Back Redux: Which New Fall Series Are You Still Watching?

About two weeks ago, I asked readers to discuss which of the crop of new fall series they were still watching after sampling. I posted the question on the heels of the cancellation of FOX's Lone Star and ABC's My Generation, both of which were yanked from the airwaves after just two broadcasts.

A few weeks later, CBS yesterday picked up all five (yes, five!) of its new fall offerings, giving $#*! My Dad Says, Hawaii Five-0, Mike & Molly, The Defenders, and Blue Bloods full seasons.

It's rare for a network to go five-for-five when it comes to their freshman shows, but it also points to just what a middling season of television this has turned out to be thus far. A season where even NBC is giving a vote of confidence to mediocre series like The Event, Chase, and Outsourced... and ordering more scripts for Undercovers.

So now that the dust has settled a bit more, I'm wondering once again: what are you still watching a few weeks on from the initial question? What has fallen by the wayside in the time since? Are you still sticking with Nikita or No Ordinary Family? Curious to see whether Undercovers will improve?

What are you still watching? And what have you deleted from your TiVo Season Pass list?

Talk back here.

Talk Back: Which New Fall Series Are You Still Watching?


Personally, I think this batch of new series is pretty much a wash so far. Given the cancellations already of both FOX's Lone Star and ABC's My Generation, the clock is already ticking for more than a few other freshman series. (My money's on either The Whole Truth or Outlaw to be the next to fall.)

But, just out of (morbid) curiosity, I'm wondering which new fall series you're still watching and which you've already consigned to the dust heap of memory (or at least deleted your TiVo season pass).

Still hooked on The Event? Curious about Undercovers? Already passed on Running Wilde or Raising Hope? What are your thoughts on Hawaii Five-O, Mike and Molly, Chase, No Ordinary Family, Blue Bloods, The Defenders, Bleep My Dad Says, Nikita, and Hellcats?

Is there anything you've given a reprieve to or a complete pass? (And, yes, feel free to include new cable series like HBO's Boardwalk Empire or FX's Terriers, the only two new fall series that I've really taken a shine to.)

Talk back here.

Talk Back: What Did You Think of NBC's The Event, FOX's Lone Star, and CBS' Hawaii Five-0?

Ding ding.

That sound you hear was the official start of fall premiere week last night as the networks took the wraps off of their new lineups and brought the launches of several new shows to the public last night.

In the battle of the 9 pm dramas, NBC's tepid The Event overtook FOX's more original Lone Star in an outcome that should surprise no one.

While I wrote about both The Event and Lone Star yesterday (and have been talking about them since last May on Twitter), I'm curious to see what you thought of the new series that launched last night.

Which of the handful of new dramas and comedy Mike & Molly did you tune in for? What did you think of the plot, the characters, the dialogue, and the inherent promise of each?

And, most importantly, which of the series will you come back and watch again next week?

Talk back here.

CBS New Series Previews: Hawaii Five-O, The Defenders, Blue Bloods, $#*! My Dad Says, Mike & Molly

CBS unveiled its fall schedule and new programming offerings to advertisers today in New York, continuing the third official day of network upfronts week.

(You can read more about CBS' schedule and and read episode descriptions here.)

Not in New York? You can check out the show previews for CBS' newest series, including dramas Hawaii Five-O, The Defenders, the untitled Criminal Minds spinoff and comedies Mike & Molly and $#*! My Dad Says, below.



