The Daily Beast: "The Naughty Side of The Good Wife"

Yes, I'm in love with The Good Wife.

Over at The Daily Beast, you can read my latest feature, entitled "The Naughty Side of The Good Wife," in which I speak to creators Robert and Michelle King and series lead Julianna Margulies about topical plots (masseuse scandal!), wonky cameos (Lou Dobbs!), and adult sexuality (oral sex on CBS!), all of which add up to The Good Wife being one of the best--and most consistently challenging--shows on TV.

But that's not all. In addition to the in-depth interview/thinkpiece on the show, I also got the Kings and Margulies to offer character-specific teases (read: minor spoilers) about what's coming up for Alicia, Peter, Will, Kalinda, Cary, Blake, and more in the second season. (You can read their take here in the gallery.)

What's your take on the show? Head to the comments section to discuss.