Meet the Newmans: Showtime Releases Weeds Season Six Trailer

"The Newmans will succeed where the Botwins failed. They will find jobs, have hobbies. They will have a normal life."

Showtime has released a new trailer for Season Six of Weeds, which returns to the lineup on August 16th.

On the run after Shane took a croquet mallet to Pilar's head at the end of last season, the Botwins hit the road in an effort to evade both the long arm of the law and the less than merciful killing hand of the Mexican drug cartel run by Nancy's husband. It's a trip that takes them through the heartland of America as they blow through a number of cities, trailing identities in their wake.

But as much as it represents an effort to escape death, it's also a new chance at life for Nancy and the gang. Hence the above quote from Mary-Louise Parker's Nancy, looking at this messed-up road trip as a chance at a clean slate. Sort of, anyway.

You can watch the entire three-minute trailer for Season Six below. "You can take the girl out of the business but you can't take the business out of the girl..."

Season Six of Weeds begins August 16th at 10 pm ET/PT on Showtime.