Countdown to "Lost": What Will Happen This Season?

Just what will happen this season on Lost?

With the season premiere of the sixth and final season of Lost only a few scant days away now, I thought it would be a good time to find out just what your theories are about (A) what happened to the castaways after Juliet detonated Jughead, (B) what will happen this season, and (C) what you predict the ending of the series will be.

I'd love to revisit these theories once Lost wraps up its run this May but, given that the first hour of Lost's season premiere is set to be shown to fans in Hawaii this weekend, we could engage in one final round of spoiler-free speculation for Lost before information begins pouring in.

So dig in: what do you think Team Darlton has in store for us this last season? What are your predictions about what will happen, who will die, who will end up together, and just what this all means? Discuss. (But, reminder: no spoilers!)

(Meanwhile, Part One of my interview with Lost showrunners Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse is up at The Daily Beast while Part Two--due to run this Tuesday--gets more into some elements of Season Six.)

Lost premieres Tuesday night with a one-hour retrospective special at 8 pm ET/PT and the two-hour sixth season premiere at 9 pm ET/PT on ABC.