Five Reasons to Watch Tonight's Episode of "Community"

Just a few quick words about tonight's episode of NBC comedy Community ("Spanish 101"), the series' second outing. I had the opportunity a few weeks back to watch the second episode of this hilarious new series and loved every second of it.

So why should you tune in to tonight's episode of Community, when the airwaves are positively overcrowded with televised offerings? Here are five reasons why.

(1) If you liked the pilot, you'll love this even more.

If you enjoyed the hysterical pilot episode of Community, you'll love tonight's episode even more. Free from having to set up the group's situation and first meeting at Greendale Community College, tonight's installment has a lot more fun with the low-key academic setting, further building out the world of Greendale and strengthening the relationships between the characters.

(2) It focuses on some of the supporting characters.

While Community is an ensemble comedy, a lot of the action of the first episode centered around the flirtation between Joel McHale's Jeff and Gillian Jacob's Britta. While Jeff and Britta play a large role in tonight's episode, the spotlight also gets to shine on several of the other characters as Alison Brie's Annie and Yvette Nicole Brown's Shirley get a subplot involving political protest and Chevy Chase's Pierce gets to bond with Jeff when they're paired together for a Spanish project. Which brings us to...

(3) Ken Jeong.

Tonight's episode of Community marks the first appearance of Ken Jeong's imperious Spanish teacher Senor Chang, easily one of the most terrifying and funny professors ever to grace the small screen. Jeong has cornered the market on playing absurd, eccentric, or creepy characters in both film and television and he adds a dangerous, quixotic element to the mix here. His language lesson in tonight's episode (he claims 90 percent of Spanish is using your hands) is gut-bustingly comical and alone is worth the price of admission.

(4) Aimee Mann's "Wise Up."

The award for the best usage of Aimee Mann's song "Wise Up" ever goes to Community for its inclusion in tonight's episode. I won't spoil just how or why it's used but will say that I was rolling on the floor after seeing

(5) It's just plain funny.

And, really, what more do you need than that?

Community airs tonight at 9:30 pm ET/PT on NBC. Here's a sneak peek at tonight's episode: