Thank God For Second Chances: "Lost" Season Five Promo

Ever since we finally found out who the man in the coffin was (and saw the island disappear into the ether), I've been dying with anticipation to find out just what will happen next on Lost.

Thankfully, the big news this morning is, of course, the long-awaited reveal of the new promo for Season Five of Lost, which kicks off on ABC in 2009.

Anxious to see the promo yourself? Fret not, as I've included it right after the jump.

So what can we make out from this tantalizing teaser promo? For one Hurley and Sayid meet up but rather than engage in hugs and catching up have to battle some baddies and head to a safehouse, Kate tells Aaron they're "on vacation" and packs a gun, Daniel Faraday explores the island with a pith helmet and a compass, Ben and Jack discuss second chances, Sun finds herself locked in a room with some government-types... and they are all likely in big trouble from Charles Widmore and other interests intent on determining just what happened to the island.

And can anyone make out the writing on-screen that appears for a split-second around the :40 mark? It's looks like "Dharma Initiative" but I can't be certain. Curious.

Was it just me or did your heart leap into your throat when you hear that haunting Michael Giacchino score? Oh, how I've missed you, Lost.

Stay tuned.