StrikeWatch: Cautious Optimism Are Today's Buzzwords

I've gotten several emails from readers asking if the WGA strike is over and I just have to clear the air here and say: it's not over until we're told by the WGA that it's over.

While I want more than anything for the strike to come to a swift conclusion and the writers to walk away with a fair deal, I don't think we should be breaking open the champagne just yet. While all signs point to progress in the ongoing talks between the WGA and the AMPTP, we all know that nothing in this life is for certain and progress is just that: progress.

When there is a tentative agreement between the two camps, I will cheer with abandon and when that deal is ratified by a majority of the WGA West and East's 10,000+ members, I will break open the Bollinger. In the meantime, I am advocating maintaining an air of cautious optimism.

Can this season still be saved? Possibly. But until there's something concrete, in writing, from the AMPTP that the WGA accepts, talking about which series will go back into production first, etc. it's just wishful thinking.

Let's all hope for the best and continue to support the striking writers, still on the picket lines, but let's be honest about what's going on here and not jump the gun.