Strange But True: Will Arnett to Provide Voice of KITT on "Knight Rider"

I swear, I cannot make this stuff up.

NBC has announced a launch date for its two-hour backdoor pilot of Knight Rider (you can read my advance review of the pilot script here), which will bow on February 17th from 9-11 pm.

While the choice of February is hardly surprising, given the lack of first-run scripted programming for sweeps, what is mind-blowing is the choice of the actor hired to provide the voice of sentient car KITT.

You ready for this? It's Will Arnett.


Yes, I'm stunned and slightly intrigued by this casting. I never, in my wildest dreams, imagined the former GOB Bluth playing the voice of KITT, a decision which will either be completely inspired or just outright wacky.

What do you think? Can Arnett fill the shoes formerly occupied by William Daniels?

Stay tuned.