Geek Chic: Ranking the Top 10 Geeky Series This Season

Geeks are chic. One need only take a look at the current roster of fall series to see that the geek really have inherited the Earth.

From the action/adventure dramatics of NBC's Chuck to the comedic prowess of a troika of nerds (and their lovely neighbor) on CBS' The Big Bang Theory, the networks seem more fixated on the geeky than those same demos would be on, say, the latest news about J.J. Abram's nascent Star Trek feature. So it was only a matter of time before PC Magazine weighed in on their ten favorite geeky series (and their eight most missed ones).

What series ended up on the list? The aforementioned The Big Bang Theory and Chuck (natch), along with fan favorites like the Tardis-traveling Time Lord on Doctor Who, the superpowered gang over at Heroes, gun-toting mayhem on 24, the squints on Bones, and the antsy crew of Battlestar Galactica.

But lest you think that geeks know everything, be forewarned: also included in the list is The IT Crowd, which any self-respecting Televisionary geek will tell you has crashed and burned over at NBC.

What are your favorite geeky series? And which ones (ahem, Buffy, Angel, and Veronica Mars) do you miss now that they're long gone?