Facing Your Demons: "Lost" Castaway Found Next Season

Yes, you read that correctly.

While the actual announcement is due to be made by Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse tomorrow at Comic-Con, ABC president Steve McPherson let it slip today that a certain Lost castaway would be returning next season earlier today.

Oh, come on. It's not really that difficult to figure out. Which castaway memorably left the series' storyline under mysterious circumstances? And it doesn't take a Dharma-trained genius to figure out whose CBS pilot (Demons) wasn't ordered to series.

Yes, folks, we're talking about Harold Perrineau, whose character (that would be Michael) left Lost at the end of the second season when Ben released him and Walt with instructions on how to leave the island. That is, after Michael betrayed his friends for said freedom.

With the Losties off the island (as seen at the end of Season Three), it was only a matter of time before Jack and other castaways were, um, reunited with the series' Judas back on the mainland. (And hopefully this will put an end to those it-was-Michael-in-the-coffin theories.)

Meanwhile, McPherson claims that Lost's creative team hasn't yet decided whether they will utilize "more flash-forwards or flash-backs" during the series' final three seasons. Hmmm...

I'm sure more information will spill out of tomorrow's Comic-Con panel, so stay tuned.