"Veronica Mars" Fans Plan to Blanket CW in Marshmallows to Save Series

Spurred by the recent success of the fan-based campaign to save cancelled CBS series Jericho, fans of the CW's axed Veronica Mars have organized their own attempt to resurrect their beloved heroine from cancellation.

Fans of the crime-fighting college student launched Save Veronica Mars: The Mars Bars (and Marshmallows) Campaign, which aims to get CW to reconsider its position on ending the noir mystery series by blanketing the CW offices wth as many Mars bars and marshmallows as humanly possible. Inspired, no doubt, by the success of the send-peanuts-to-CBS campaign, which was a factor in the network saving Jericho, after officially cancelling it.

The campaign is currently looking for donations in the form of purchased Mars bars. (As many people will tell you, US Mars bars are no longer being produced; therefore the only way of purchasing these delicious chocolate-based goodies are through online vendors.) The truckloads of bars will then be brought to CW President Dawn Ostroff's offices on or before June 15th.

Also being organized: an en masse purchase of the Veronica Mars 3rd season finale ("The Bitch Is Back") on iTunes for June 12th, to send a message to studio Warner Bros. Television that there is still a demand out there for the series.

Which leaves little time to organize such an enormous endeavor. So, I urge the remaining Veronica Mars fans out there to spread the word and donate to this cause. I'm not sure candy can directly affect the scheduling decisions of a network (a reduced license fee would more readily do the trick), but who knows what can happen...