Switching Off: Televisionary is on Vacation

You read that right. I'm off, post Upfronts and LA Screenings, for a much-deserved break and some down time. Confession time: we're off to Napa and there isn't even a television in our hotel room. (Quelle horreur!)

For those of you who understand that a television-free existence (even for just a week) is akin to a form of Geneva Convention-forbidden torture, rest assured that I'll return in a week's time, rested and ready to talk about all things Pirate Master (which launches Thursday night at 8 pm on CBS).

In the meantime, be sure to visit Televisionary's brand spanking new MySpace profile page and check out what I'll be watching this summer, as well as some of my recent advance pilot reviews, including Pushing Daisies, Chuck, and The Return of Jezebel James. I promise to get to Dirty Sexy Money, Sam I Am, Bionic Woman, Sarah Connor Chronicles, and several others (I've now seen ALL of the pilots for the new fall season) when I return next week.

Until then, stay tuned.