First They Killed Lily Kane, Now They've Killed "Veronica Mars"

The CW has just become public enemy number one in the Televisionary household.

Yes, gentle readers, the netlet has done the unthinkable and cancelled my beloved Veronica Mars.

After two days of holding my breath while the networks unveiled their fall schedules, I kept hoping that somehow, some way, the CW would realize it didn't want to get rid of the only series with any critical traction left on their network and find a way (reduced episode count? flash forward in time?) to keep Veronica Mars on the air.

Alas, it's official. Next week's episode of Veronica Mars will be the series' last. And I for one am not ready to say goodbye to Neptune just yet.

UPDATE: TV Guide's Michael Ausiello claims the CW may wait until June 15th to decide the final fate of Veronica Mars:

"Contractually, the net has until June 15 to reach a verdict, and the extra time would allow Rob Thomas to produce an actual script for Veronica in the FBI. hat's one scenario. The other scenario is that the show is dead. I think we can all agree that Scenario 1 is preferable. One thing is certain: VM will not be on the schedule that Dawn Ostroff presents to advertisers on Thursday morning."

Me, I'm not holding my breath. Given the CW's mistreatment of the series this season, I don't think any eleventh hour white knight is coming in the form of Dawn Ostroff.

UPDATE #2: And.... then it was dead. Gee, didn't see that one coming. Good thing I didn't get my hopes up or anything. Sometimes it pays to be a jaded TV junior exec/blogger. You can catch Kristen Bell's dulcimer tones as the eponymous narrator in new fall drama Gossip Girl but don't expect to see her on the CW next season.