An Ant Farm Run by Aliens: Inside the "Lost" Writer's Room

Well, not quite. But those funny guys and girls at G4's Attack of the Show have brought us a rather humorous look at what might be going on inside the Lost writer's room with Carlton and Damon.

My favorite bits: theories as to why Hurley is still so overweight, why Kate gets captured so easily over and over again, and the veto over a storyline for Claire. It might be nearly a week until another new episode of Lost, but sit back and enjoy.

For those of you too lazy to push play, the answer to the Hurley question above? It's because "he's eating members of the tail section." And how could you not love a viral video that dredges up the Eko-and-Locke are the same person theory despite Eko's death ("Dream sequence!"), not to mention the comical assumptions about the island that these "writers" work under each week?