Entertainment Weekly Confirms Televisionary Scoop: Joss Whedon IS Directing "The Office"

It's hard not to brag sometimes. Especially when you're the one who broke arguably one of the biggest TV geek stories in recent memory.

For those of you not aware: Televisionary first broke the story in the wee hours of Monday morning that Joss Whedon (creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly, and all things good and right with television) would be directing an upcoming episode of my comedy obsession The Office.

Furthermore, I went on to recount that Joss would be directing the episode immediately preceding that directed by fellow TV god J.J. Abrams (of Lost, Alias, and Felicity fame, not to mention a little movie called Mission Impossible 3).

Guess what, boys and girls? Entertainment Weekly has confirmed my original story (found here) with this little doozy:
"UPDATE: Awesome! NBC Universal has confirmed to EW's Dan Snierson that Whedon and Abrams are indeed both directing episodes of The Office. Watch for them to air around late February."
Naysayers, I'll be expecting your letters of apology on my desk by tomorrow morning. Or at the very least some hastily constructed Dunder-Mifflin stationery.