Nigella Heating Up New Series on Food Network

The Food Network unveiled its latest slate of programming for 2006, which included a new show from British domestic goddess Nigella Lawson (the host of Nigella Bites and Forever Summer and the author of cookbooks How to Be a Domestic Goddess, Nigella Bites, Forever Summer, and Feast), according to the Hollywood Reporter. (Nigella will forever be the woman who taught me the simple yet sensual joys of Guinness chocolate cake, watermelon-feta-and-olive salad, and Happiness Soup... and, even more importantly, the woman who inspired my girlfriend to want to cook.)

The show, Nigella Feasts, will feature the gorgeous television personality, author, and journalist in a program about "food, family, public holidays, and private passions and how to celebrate with dishes that stir the senes and delight the palate." It is expected to premiere in September in a daytime slot. So set your Tivo.

And just be sure to eat something before watching.