My Name is... Tenacity

Speaking of hit NBC comedies like The Office, I was reading the Sunday New York Times Arts Section today when I came across this article about My Name is Earl creator Greg Garcia and the battle he fought to get his show on the air.

Simply put: dude would not give up.

There's something to be said for determination in this crazy business of show... There's also something to be said for a last-place network, desperate for a hit, and a newly appointed network prez willing to take a chance on a show that everyone has passed on.

Those two things go together like chocolate and peanut butter. And thank god, because otherwise, we wouldn't have the boffo brilliance of My Name is Earl to watch each week.

Karma. I'd have to agree with Earl and paraphrase a bit: Fight hard enough for something you believe in and maybe, just maybe, you'll find someone who's willing to fight for it alongside you too.